We understand that fast, reliable, high-speed Internet is critical for work, school and fun. So we don’t cut corners on bandwidth. We’re also the only Internet Service Provider that has implemented minimum bandwidth guarantees, including Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth™ and Guaranteed Streaming Bandwidth™
What is Guaranteed Streaming Bandwidth™ (GSB™)?
Our MAGE 100 service includes GSB™. This means that in the unlikely event that everyone is online at the same time, the network will have adequate bandwidth available so that our GSB™ customers will always be able to watch an HD Netflix movie AND have a Zoom call at the same time. [Read More About GSB™]
What is Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth™ (GMB™)?
Our MAGE 50 service includes GMB™. This means that in the unlikely event that everyone is online at the same time, the network will have adequate bandwidth available so that our GMB™ customers will always be able to have a Zoom call.
How does Mage deliver GSB ™ and GMB™?
First, our network is designed so that any single 100 Mbps Data Pipeline will never have more than fourteen (14) GSB ™ customers on it (more for a mix of GSB ™ and GMB ™ customers).
Second, if we must add new customers to a pipeline, we can easily increase the overall capacity of the whole network (or a branch of the network) using our concept of New Bandwidth Injection™ (NBI™) to ensure our minimum bandwidth standards are maintained.
(*Our maximum speed is 100 Mbps Download and 100 Mbps Upload when a network is fully constructed.)